你也许会问,这是怎样一块黄金宝地, 那我们就仔细说说这次介绍的“爱神谷”(Angus Glen Village)。“爱神谷”的地理边界是西起沃顿(warden Ave.),东至肯尼迪(Kennedy Rd.)。南起16街(16th Ave.),北至麦肯奇(Major MacKenzie Dr.).大约在15年前,发展商“楷模”(Kylemore)就在肯尼迪路西侧投资兴建了(Angus Glen East Village),当时的房价就比在肯尼迪路东侧同时兴建的小区高出一大节,这都是因为区内得天独厚的爱神谷高尔夫球场(Augus Glen Golf Course)。该球场由著名设计师设计,球场内小溪,池塘,风景如画,加拿大“贝尔高球赛”亦曾在此举行。靠近高尔夫球场的房子大都是专门设计的豪宅,一座座气势恢宏,彰显尊容。这次“楷模”(Kylemore)推出的是(Angus Glen West Village),处在老的豪宅区和高球场之间,地理位置更加优越,也难怪其报价引来人们的惊呼。
哪来这么多有钱人?说实话,和您一样,我也不知道。不过细心的人们会发现,这几年万锦市的发展可以说蓬勃向上,吸引了各方的关注,早几年奔驰和宝马车行安家落户,现在奥迪和沃尔沃又在Highway 7沿线新建展厅,这一系列高档车行的兴建似乎向人们暗示着什么。意大利人的超市Longos开业后红红火火,同样是意大利家族的Michael Angelos又紧随其后,不用说华人开业的餐馆更是如雨后春笋,接连不断。虽然不敢说开一家,火一家,可是周末各个餐馆拿号排队,哪个老板心里不是乐开了花。所有这些细微的现象似乎都说明一点,这里人丁兴旺,购买力超强。所以不论Highway 7沿线,还是Woodbine, Kennedy沿线,商家们都在大兴土木。
万锦市在发展,越来越多的人们喜爱这个充满活力的地方。较早前拥有最大量华人藏书的社区中心(Angus Glen Community Centre)就已经投入使用。今年初,万锦市第一间YMCA对公众开放,作为居民,您可以感觉到万锦市政府在踏踏实实地为居民做事。虽然新建房屋价格越来越高,想一想也未必是坏事。谁不希望自己居住的城市房价攀升呢?
Unionville's northwest corner, locally known as Cachet, is bordered by Woodbine to the west, Warden to the east, starting from 16th Street in the south, and ending at Major Mackenzie Drive in the north. This large square community is divided into two parts by a stream, with the streets in the north sparsely populated and consisting entirely of deep estates occupying more than an acre, so there aren't many households in total. From afar, the red bricks and gray tiles are hidden among dense trees, giving off a hint of mystery. The residents here are mainly locals.
The southern part of this area is a relatively new community of over a decade, almost entirely composed of large houses ranging from three to five thousand square feet, making the streets neat and grand. Listening to the names of these streets, such as Golden Tulip, Silver Rose, and White Lotus, it seems like this is a botanical garden. Perhaps because when the houses were built over a decade ago, land wasn't as scarce, the lots in Cachet are quite large, and the distance between houses is spacious, unlike the new houses nowadays, all crowded together. Similar to Bayview Hill, there are many families of Hong Kong immigrants here.
Apart from a few Bungalows among the luxurious houses in the north, most houses in Cachet are two-story buildings. Due to their large size and good planning, this area has become another high-priced community in Markham, apart from Fisherman's Village and Angus Glen. The reason why Fisherman's Village is so well-known is, of course, related to its history, but what Chinese people value more seems to be the recognition of the schools in the area. In fact, the high school within the Cachet area, St. Augustine, is also very prestigious. It's just that because it is a Catholic school, there are fewer Chinese students enrolled.
Geographically, Cachet and Bayview Hill are located on the same latitude, just separated by Highway 404. Currently, the listed prices for houses in this area are approximately between 2.5m to 3m dollars, which seems quite expensive, but compared to Bayview Hill, there are price advantages here. In the Cachet area, there are still so-called large houses with three-car garages listed at just over 2.5m dollars, but it's rare to see houses listed below 3 million dollars in Bayview Hill.
Usually, it is believed that in a hot market, big houses sell well, while in a slow market, big houses are hard to sell. Judging the future market trends is subjective, and understanding the value of regional houses requires a lot of detailed work. As development continues around Markham, the value of the Cachet community will be increasingly recognized by more people.