平凡小区 Underwood


我们这次介绍的小区(Underwood)位于407高速以南,(Steeles Ave.)大道以北,西起沃顿(Warden Ave.)大道,东至肯尼迪路(Kennedy Rd.)。这里地势平缓,没有河流,没有溪谷,没有所谓名校,更没有深宅大院。行驶在街区内,你的感觉除了平实,似乎并没有什么特别之处。两间小学(Milliken Mills P.S.),(Highgate P.S.)位于社区中央,高中(Milliken Mills S.S.)和社区中心(Millilen Mills Community Centre)举步可及。它所拥有的是那么平凡之极,例如,(Steeles Ave.)大道的交通方便,大统华超市(T&T Supermarket)的菜篮子,太古广场(Pacific Mall)的购物娱乐。对于多伦多的华人来说也许不算什么,但对附近小城,或是渥太华,蒙特利尔的华人,这可是他们来多市的首选购物场所。


由于工作的关系,接触到各种各样的客户,耳闻目睹了大家生活的变化。有人从打工做起,一步一步成为当地公司的部门经理可谓传奇;有人又回到学校,学有所成进入著名的跨国公司可谓有志;也有人创立自己的生意,用双手辛苦积累财富和经验可谓有心。我想他们的成功各有各的方式,但有一点我相信是共同的,那应该是扎根加国的信念。 我们怀着信念离开熟悉的环境,我们怀着信念开始移民的生活,无论成功与失败,平凡与伟大信念都与我们相伴。


回到(Underwood), 这个小区面积不大,始建于90年代末,以南亚移民居多,华人为数不少。房型多为独立房和连屋。成交情况。由于大统华超市的落成,明显为小区的生活带来便利,亦使得小区价值趋升。 加上早期的太古广场,即将兴建的锦绣中华二期,小区周边的商业设施越来越多, 商家的眼光不会太差吧,更何况我们身边演绎着那么多丑小鸭变成白天鹅的故事,我们有理由期待这个平凡的小区带给人们意外的收获。

本栏目由资深地产经纪杨晓东/牛白丽主持,欢迎读者来信来电询问各类地产方面问题。咨询电话:416-818-7508 / 416-3035878


The neighborhood we're introducing this time is Underwood, located south of Highway 407 and north of Steeles Ave., with Warden Ave. to the west and Kennedy Rd. to the east. The terrain here is gentle, with no rivers, valleys, prestigious schools, or grand mansions. Driving through the neighborhood, you may feel that it's quite ordinary, with no particularly remarkable features. Two elementary schools, Milliken Mills P.S. and Highgate P.S., are located in the central part of the community, and Milliken Mills Secondary School and the Milliken Mills Community Centre are within easy reach. What it does have is an extreme simplicity, such as the convenience of transportation along Steeles Ave., the grocery options at T&T Supermarket, and the shopping and entertainment at Pacific Mall. While this might not mean much to the Chinese community in Toronto, it's often the preferred shopping destination for nearby towns and cities like Ottawa and Montreal.

Due to my work, I've come into contact with various clients and witnessed the changes in their lives. Some have started from humble beginnings, gradually working their way up to become department managers in local companies, which can be considered legendary. Some have returned to school, achieved success, and entered renowned multinational corporations, demonstrating ambition. Others have started their own businesses, accumulating wealth and experience through hard work, showcasing dedication. I believe that while their paths to success may differ, they all share one thing in common: a belief in establishing roots in Canada. We left familiar environments with faith, embarked on immigrant lives with faith, and regardless of success or failure, whether our lives are ordinary or extraordinary, faith accompanies us.

Returning to Underwood, this small neighborhood, established in the late 1990s, is predominantly populated by South Asian immigrants, with a significant Chinese population as well. The housing types mainly consist of detached houses and townhouses. Due to the completion of T&T Supermarket, which has significantly improved the convenience of life in the neighborhood, and with the early presence of Pacific Mall and the upcoming development of the second phase of Market Village, the commercial facilities around the neighborhood are increasing. Business owners surely have a good eye for investment, and considering the many stories of ugly ducklings turning into swans around us, we have reason to expect unexpected rewards from this ordinary neighborhood.

This column is hosted by experienced real estate brokers Yang Xiaodong/Niu Baili. Readers are welcome to send letters or call to inquire about various real estate issues. Consultation phone: 416-818-7508 / 416-3035878.

Posted By:Baili