快乐小镇 Markham Village

Markham Village

这边余人村的爵士节(Unionville Jazz Festival)刚过,紧接着那边一年一度的(Markham Street Festival)就登场了。犹如中国乡村的庙会,在(Main St. Markham)这条老街上, 人头攒动,熙熙攘攘。所不同的是在这里既有经典的乡村音乐演奏,亦有低沉婉转的爵士乐,你能伫足欣赏时下流行的街舞, 也能被传统的杂耍木偶剧引得哈哈大笑。你想收藏艺术品吗?这里有各种绘画作品,手工制作。你想犒劳一下自己? 除了汉堡,热狗,三明治这老三样, 这里还有各种烧烤,面包,蛋糕。和煦的阳光下,人们兴高采烈,音乐,人声交汇在一处,让人们享受着北美少有的喧嚣。我们这期介绍的正是万锦村(Markham Village)。其地理边界是16街以南, 407高速以北,西起麦考文(McCowan Rd.)东至第九线(9th Line)。


地理上,(Milne Lake)位于该区南端,是万锦市内最大湖泊,该湖其实是红河水系在此膨胀而成,四周有大片绿地公园。加之市政府致力环保,使得该区得以很好地保有一种乡村格调。 区内有多间小学,其中以(Roy H. Crosby P.S.)最为著名。而高中是(Markham District High School),据当地的居民介绍,这间高中历史悠久,尤以理科成绩突出。历年万锦市竞赛,该校总是名列前茅。说到学校,最近笔者遇到一个共性的难题,由于房市从96年起一直呈上涨趋势,很多华人又希望子女入读名校,使得名校区的房屋炙手可热,价格不菲。很多人根据自己的收入设置购房价格上限,不想上市的房屋不是价格稍高而望而却步,就是房价尚可而要抢Offer. 不知多少买家为此烦恼。有些人孩子刚刚两三岁,就计划着孩子上那间高中,真是可怜天下父母心。



纵观小区,房屋给人以平实的感觉,南端以平房,复式结构为主,房龄较长。向北逐渐新一点,多为两层独立房,但亦有20年左右。正因为如此,该区房屋占地较大,同时社区成熟,树木葱郁。如果你喜欢乡村的舒缓与清新,喜欢民风的纯朴与自然,你一定会喜欢这里Markham Village


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Markham Village

The Unionville Jazz Festival has just concluded, and now it's time for the annual Markham Street Festival. Similar to the temple fairs in Chinese villages, Main St. Markham, this old street, is bustling with activity and throngs of people. What sets it apart is the blend of classic country music performances and soulful jazz tunes. You can enjoy popular street dances or burst into laughter watching traditional puppet shows. Interested in collecting artwork? Here, you'll find various paintings and handicrafts. Want to treat yourself? Besides the usual hamburgers, hot dogs, and sandwiches, there's a variety of barbecues, bread, and cakes. Under the warm sunshine, people are in high spirits, and the intersection of music and voices creates a rare buzz in North America. This edition features Markham Village. Its geographical boundaries are south of 16th Ave. and north of Highway 407, with McCowan Rd. to the west and the 9th Line to the east.

Geographically, Milne Lake at the southern end of the area is the largest lake in Markham, formed as an expansion of the Rouge River system, surrounded by vast green parks. Coupled with the city government's commitment to environmental protection, the area has maintained a rural charm. There are several elementary schools in the area, with Roy H. Crosby P.S. being the most renowned. The high school is Markham District High School, known for its long history and outstanding performance in the sciences. According to local residents, this high school consistently excels in Markham's competitions. Speaking of schools, I've recently encountered a common problem: due to the upward trend in the housing market since 1996 and many Chinese families aspiring for their children to attend prestigious schools, homes in top school districts are highly sought after, commanding hefty prices. Many buyers set a price cap based on their income, leading to hesitation when houses exceed their budget or fierce competition when prices are still manageable. Countless buyers are troubled by this dilemma. Some parents are already planning for their children to attend a particular high school when they're barely two or three years old, showcasing the universal concern of parents.

Looking across the neighborhood, the houses exude a modest feeling, with bungalows and duplex structures dominating the south end, showing their age. Moving north, the houses become slightly newer, mostly two-story detached houses, some approximately 20 years old. Therefore, the houses in this area typically have larger lots, and the community is mature with lush trees. If you enjoy the soothing and fresh atmosphere of the countryside and the simplicity and nature of folk customs, you'll surely love Markham Village.

This column is hosted by veteran real estate brokers Yang Xiaodong and Niu Baili. Readers are welcome to contact them for various real estate-related inquiries. Contact numbers: 416-818-7508 / 416-3035878.


Posted By:Baili